TUS: a Hit (mostly)

The first episode of Tracey Ullman’s Show (a.k.a. TUS) has aired in the UK, and while we wait for it to officially air on HBO here in North America, we content ourselves with reading the reviews. The BBC News site has a good summary of the reviews: mostly favorable ones from the Times, the Independent and the Telegraph, but less favorable from the Guardian and the Chortle comedy website. The Guardian’s review said it was “unashamedly same-old”; to that, I say “Great!” I’ve seen the sketch featuring Tracey as Dame Judi Dench, and — it’s great, and she’s great. It’s on a par with her best work from State of the Union. Will the subsequent five episodes have work that is just as good? We shall see.

Now the question is, when will we in North America get to see?